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Choose the right CV solution for you.
Find out below which is the best option for you.
CV Templates and Tool Kit
Starting at $47
Affordable Do It Yourself option that is laid out for easy set-up. Choose from the largest selection of Yacht CV templates in the industry with access to the Yacht CV Tool Kit set-up guides and tools to create a new yacht CV.
Five Star Reviews on Google and Facebook
From Our Great Clients!
Is your CV optimized for better results on crew databases and job platforms?
We use key words, phrases, and section categories for more job matching results in databases to put you up for more jobs and more opportunities.
Our Three Steps For CV Success
Step 1: Get Noticed
When employers post jobs, they get a lot of CV’s and quickly scan them to eliminate all but a few. Our CV’s are designed to catch employers’ attention and stop them in their tracks.
Step 2: Get Them Reading
A well organized, easy-to-read layout keeps employers reading and navigates them to your key qualifications and strengths. Then you can convince them you are the right candidate for the job.
Step 3: Convince Them
To get the job you want, your content must be compelling. Super Yacht Resume will reinforce and align your qualifications with your goals, maximizing your chances for success.
Does Your CV Get Noticed Or Passed By?
Most CV’s are scanned in only 3-6 seconds! A well presented CV can stop them in their tracks and start reading. Better CV layouts get better results.
The Top Recommended Service In The Industry.
We work closely with recruiters and platforms to ensure our CV’s get the best results.
Still not sure what you need?
Send us your CV for a free review, feedback, and suggestions on best options.